Why good dog dental care is important


As humans, we brush our teeth every day as part of a good oral healthcare routine. This is to prevent the build-up of plaque, protect teeth enamel and keep gums healthy. Otherwise, plaque would form, harden into tartar and eventually lead to periodontal disease. The consequences could vary from swollen gums to tooth loss.

The same can happen with dogs. In fact, because daily teeth cleaning isn’t part of their routine, 80% of dogs develop a form of periodontal disease within the first 2 years of their life. This makes dental disease one of the most common health issues in dogs and proper dog dental care essential. 

If your dog has any of these symptoms, a vet visit is advisable:

  • Red or bleeding gums
  • Plaque
  • Bad breath
  • Blood in water or food bowls
  • Thick saliva
  • Facial swelling
  • Avoiding hard food or treats
  • Pawing at mouth
  • Excessive drooling
  • Dropping food while eating
  • Can’t open or close mouth

Interestingly, cavities are a rare issue in dogs. Firstly, this is due to the shape of their teeth and secondly because they don’t consume sugar to the extent that humans do. However, regularly feeding your furry friend sugary treats can lead to cavities, so spoil them in moderation.

How to keep dog teeth healthy

Puppies are born with 28 deciduous dog teeth. At the age of 4 – 6 months, these milk teeth start to exfoliate, which are replaced with 42 permanent teeth once they become adult dogs. These permanent teeth consist of long, pointy canines used for lifting, pulling, grasping, and biting. The carnassial teeth provide a slicing action for eating. Dog’s root structures are similar to humans, but canine’s three upper molars have two roots, and the two lower ones have three roots.

If you have a Pug, Collie, Yorkie Chihuahua, Daschund or Boxer, it is important to know that these breeds are particularly prone to periodontal disease. As a general rule, smaller breeds tend to have this condition more often than bigger dogs because food gets trapped easier between smaller teeth, they have less bone mass, or develop maligned bites.

Now that you understand your dog’s teeth better, here are a few ways to keep your four-pawed friend’s canines in a good condition:

Regular teeth cleanings

Taking your dog for regular examinations and cleanings at your vet is crucial. Dog 

dental care can directly affect a canine’s dog health, as bacteria in the plaque can cause organ damage if it enters the bloodstream.

Teeth brushing

The goal is to set a routine, so that brushing your dog’s teeth isn’t a stressful event. Create a calm, relaxing environment and ensure you have the right tools, such as a dog toothbrush and dog toothpaste (do not use anything created for humans). Aim to brush your dog’s teeth at least three times a week for two minutes total. When brushing your dog’s teeth, start with the areas such as the back teeth where the most plaque builds up.

Chew toys

Chewing on dog toys helps your dog to scrape away tartar from their teeth.

Oral treatments

Oral sprays and gels are good solutions between teeth brushing and helps to freshen that dog bad breath.

Dental wipes

These wipes are especially effective for puppies, as you simply wipe them over their teeth and gums.

Dental treats

These treats promote good oral hygiene as it contains breath-freshening elements that are released as your dog chews on it.

Nutrition for healthy teeth

An often-overlooked area when it comes to common dog illnesses like periodontal disease is nutrition. What you feed your dog has a direct impact not only on their oral health but on the strength of their teeth.

By feeding your dog a specially formulated diet, like Bobtail Specialised Diet for Joint Care, you can boost the health of their bones and teeth. With VitaRite as an ingredient, which contains essential vitamins and minerals, you can rest assured you are supporting the healthy development and support of joints, strong bones and the overall well-being of all body systems.

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