Yelp, my dog has allergies!


Chirping birds, buzzing bees, and colourful flowers blooming everywhere. Spring is the season of possibilities… and, unfortunately, allergies. You know that feeling: a scratchy throat, constant sneezing, itchy skin, and red, puffy eyes.

Allergic reactions can happen for many reasons. The majority of allergens are proteins from plants, insects, animals, or foods. When you have an allergic reaction, your immune system is hypersensitive to a specific substance. Repeated exposure to that substance will cause an over-reaction.

The same can happen to your furry friend. If you notice any of these symptoms, your dog may be having an allergic reaction:

  • Chewing paws
  • Excessive licking
  • Red skin
  • Coughing
  • Scratching
  • Wheezing
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea 
  • Skin blemishes
  • Face rubbing
  • Loss of fur
  • Ear infections

For dogs, fleas are often the cause of allergic reactions when the dog’s immune system reacts to the flea’s saliva once bitten. Common symptoms include itchy skin and irritation at the base of the tail. Applying flea preventatives on your dog’s coat, bedding, and other general common-use areas are the best solutions for this specific cause. However, this article will focus on the other types of causes, namely environmental and food-related allergens.

Causes of dog allergies

Research shows that there is an increase in allergic reactions for dogs. Some blame pollution that causes plants to create more pollen, where others say the culprit is nutrient-poor diets. What is a known fact is that allergies can affect dogs of all breeds and is one of the top reasons for vet visits.

The bad news is that unlike humans whose allergies can improve as they age, the opposite is true for dogs. The good news, on the other hand, is that there are solutions. Here are some steps you can take to alleviate your dog’s allergies.

Firstly, it is important to identify the type and cause of the allergy.

Food allergies in dogs

This occurs when your dog has an adverse reaction to an ingredient in food that they eat, which is usually the protein source or the grains. If your dog is vomiting or has diarrhoea, food sensitivities in dogs could be the cause.

By feeding your dog a diet that contains high-quality protein sources, you can help avoid allergic food reactions. Bobtail Specialised Diet Active Lifestyle has been specially formulated with 20% protein, which is over 11% more than the leading mainstream dog food brand formulation. 

Seasonal and environmental allergies

This is usually caused by substances that your dog touches or inhales in your home, backyard, garden etc. Examples include pollens, plant or animal fibres, mold spores, feathers, and dust mites. This makes food allergies a bit more challenging to diagnose.

Symptoms associated with this allergic reaction are itchy skin, licking/chewing paws, and face rubbing.

If you have an active dog that loves playing outdoors, this means they are also more exposed to environmental elements and allergens. Consequently, your dog’s zoomies through the tall grass and roll-arounds in the sand can contribute to allergic reactions. 

Here are some ways you can treat environmental allergies:

  • Change your walking routine: Pollen levels are the highest in the early morning and late afternoon, so avoid walking your dog during those times. Also avoid fields and parks with pollen-rich plants and trees.
  • Wash the dog bed: Regularly washing your dog’s bed and soft toys helps to reduce allergen levels.
  • It’s bath time: To alleviate itchy skin, wash your dog with hypo-allergenic shampoo.

A very effective solution that you can help your dog with allergies on a daily basis is by adapting their diet to include hypoallergenic dog food. Bobtail Specialised Diet Active Lifestyle includes VitaRite, which contains 23 essential vitamins and minerals to help maintain the health of all body systems, which includes their skin and coat.

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