7 Common Pet Parenting Mistakes to Avoid
Mistakes are common. While we are allowed to live down most of them, others can be harder to live with, especially for our pets. Here’s our top list of common mistakes pet owners should not make. How many have you made?
1. Inconsistent training
It’s a story we all know well: you’re trying to get your dog onto a healthy diet, while another family member is sneaking them treats. Or maybe you’re trying to train a command, while someone else is sending mixed signals.
Remember that pets don’t know the rules of your home – it’s up to you to teach them, and keep it consistent. Make sure all family members are on the same page and are encouraging the same behaviours in the same ways.
2. Letting them be a loner
While some dog and cat breeds are naturally more outgoing, if you want a pet that’s friendly with other people and animals, you need to socialise them early.
Socialising dogs can be straightforward – just invite guests over, and have them gently and slowly get to know your dog. Remember that it’s important to socialise your pup with other dogs. This can be done through puppy training classes, doggy daycare, park walks, and introducing your pup to the pets of trusted friends and family.
3. Unhealthy eating habits
Some pets can be free-fed (the practice of having food available at all times) and will self-manage their eating, while others are highly food-motivated and will vacuum down any morsel put in front of them, even if they aren’t hungry. The situation can become even more complicated if you have multiple pets with different eating habits.
It’s vital to tailor your feeding schedule and even feeding locations (for multi-pet households) to each pet. Things like food insecurity, resource guarding and overeating can lead to a range of health and mental issues and should be addressed as early as possible.

4. Sharing medication
You might have heard that some human medication can be given to pets. While this may be true, only a vet knows the ins and outs and can prescribe appropriate medication. The same goes for giving your dog cat medicine. An accident with medication can cause serious illness or death, so it’s always better to check with your vet.
5. Too much tough love
Every pet parent knows the frustration of having your freshly planted hydrangeas dug up or your favourite pair of shoes devoured. While it’s understandable to be on the verge of losing your cool, remember that your pets react strongly to your tone of voice and body language.
You may think you’re being stern, but a sensitive pet can become stressed if your parenting style doesn’t match their personality. If you notice any of these responses, it’s time to take a step back and try a gentler approach:
- Aggression
- Attempting to hide
- Trembling/shaking
- Hyperactivity
- Lack of appetite
- Loss of toilet training
- Lowered body language
- Whale eye (showing whites of eyes)
6. Not enough playtime
Some breeds – particularly those that are intelligent or predisposed to being working dogs – need much more mental stimulation. When your tried-and-tested games just aren’t holding their interest, try new things like teaching commands, hiding treats, puzzles, or hide-and-seek.
Remember, a bored pet will often become destructive and entertain themselves with your furniture, garden, or clothes.
7. Being unprepared for emergencies
When you bring a new pet home, the last thing on your mind is accidents. You may think it’s unnecessary or your savings account will stretch to cover it, but treatment can quickly spiral into the tens of thousands of rands. The sad reality is, you could easily find yourself in the heart-breaking situation of having to put your pet down because you can’t afford emergency medical treatment.
At Bobtail, we’re all about keeping our South African dogs strong! That’s why we ensure that every bite of our dog food is full of the good stuff. We also want to help you stay prepared for unexpected emergencies. That’s why we’ve included a FREE accidental benefit in every bag of Bobtail Dog Food to help your doggo get back to their full strength after an emergency.
Follow this link for more information and to sign up for our free accident pet benefit.