Staying Strong Means Prevention Is Better Than Cure


The why, when and what you need to know about pet vaccinations.

Why your dog should get the jabs…

Pet vaccinations protect against a number of highly contagious diseases, some of which can result in costly vet visits or could even be fatal. Vaccinating your pet is one of the most cost-effective ways to prevent infection from common pet parasites and viruses. Vaccinations are an important part of pet healthcare and are vital to maintaining your dog’s health, lifespan, and quality of life, keeping them happy, healthy, and strong!

These essentials: 

The Five-in-One vaccination which covers:

  1. Canine Parvovirus 
  2. Distemper 
  3. Canine Hepatitis (Adenovirus Type 1)
  4. Respiratory Diseases (Adenovirus Type 2)
  5. Canine Parainfluenza Virus
  6. Rabies Vaccination

*Rabies vaccination is a legal requirement in South Africa

When should you vaccinate your puppy?

5 weeks Distemper and Canine Parvovirus Vaccination

  • 8 weeks: First Five-in-One Vaccination 
  • 12 weeks: Second Five-in-One Vaccination and First Rabies Vaccination
  • 16 weeks: Third Five-in-One Vaccination and Second Rabies Vaccination 
  • Annually: Five-in-One Vaccination and Rabies

What vaccinations do adult dogs require and how often? 

  • Five-in-One Vaccination and Rabies

What canine illnesses do vaccines prevent?

  • Distemper: An airborne viral disease of the lungs, intestines and brain
  • Hepatitis: A viral disease of the liver.
  • Leptospirosis: A bacterial disease of the urinary tract.
  • Parainfluenza : Infectious bronchitis.
  • Parvovirus: A viral disease of the intestines.
  • Rabies: A viral disease fatal to humans and other animals.

Other prevention techniques to chew on…

Dental disease is very common in dogs and, just like humans, can lead to serious infections that require expensive dental procedures. The good news is that simple oral healthcare practices can prevent plaque buildup and future dental problems. 

  • Regular/daily teeth brushing (use a dog-specific toothbrush and toothpaste)
  • Treat them with dental toys and nibbles that fight bacteria  
  • Avoid giving them sharp or brittle bones to chew

More than just an itch…

Protecting your dog against parasites is essential as ticks and fleas can cause biliary, ehrlichiosis, and spread tapeworm.

A severe worm infestation can be fatal for puppies, therefore it is important that you protect your pets from infection by deworming regularly.

How often should I deworm my dog?

We recommend that your puppy be dewormed at each vaccination visit and vaccinated dogs older than 12 weeks should be dewormed 3 months for life.

Ask your vet what products they recommended to keep your dog parasite-free, strong, healthy and happy.

When it comes to pet health, prevention is better than cure. Even strong dogs need good healthcare to keep their tails and tongues happily wagging, and that’s why we take care to ensure that every tasty morsel of Bobtail® contains what your dog needs to stay by your side through all of life’s exciting adventures.